Wednesday, May 17, 2017


Actually burning up in Annapolis is more like it.

OK, we were at White Point Marina after the "DO OVER" return trip there on our aborted 1st attempt to reach Solomon Island. If you've looked at the track we laid down, no one can figure it out. I haven't really seen it because I might get dizzy. When we left WPM on Friday to get over to Solomon it was really iffy. Once I reached the point where the Potomac entered the Chesapeake it was too much for me to handle.

That taught me a lot but I was not prepared to handle that kind of turbulence. The boat was doing things I could anticipate or control so I told Celia, we have to go back. Rob was very nice and told us we made the right choice. We laid low on Sunday as the weather continued to be nasty. Winds all up the Chesapeake were 25/30 mph and tho the water was relative calm, that's no day to have fun in the sun on the water.

We saw that Monday was going to be beautiful so we opted out for leaving that day. It was, flat water clear skies, no traffic. Once we arrived there we took a drive around the boardwalk, only this was really a sidewalk like any other near a beach road. Not much to it but Celia went walking and I stopped by yet another museum!

There was one interesting thing I didn't know and hadn't seen before'. They had on display a mockup of the largest shark that has ever been on Earth, bigger than a dinosaur. It was called a MEGALOON. They went extinct about 2.5 million years ago and even though the Science Channel says they could still be alive, people who know say by 99.9% they are not.

So Tuesday we left for Annapolis in glass seas with no wind. It was a straight run up the Bay and surprisingly we saw hundreds of boaters out on the water fishing. Some were dragging lines, some crabbing, some with nets trapping fish. Ever way you can think of they were working it. Once we got closer to Annapolis there were 4 large Tankers anchored in the entrance to the harbor. Celia sat up front and took pictures of them as we passed by.

We pull into the dock and once secured, we walked up through the town. Interesting middle of the city with very small shops (not too many T-shirts tho) selling pretty expensive clothing, mostly for women. Next week is going to be their busy week here as the Naval Academy has their graduation next week. This place will be a mad house.

The bars along the waterfront have been here for awhile. We were in Middleton's yesterday that has been there since 1740 and owned b.y the same man now for 49 years. Had some of the best steamed mussels yesterday I've had in quite awhile..... and a Stella!

Going to tour the Academy today and take it easy walking around another part of town. There are 5 other Loopers that I've seen here at different docks. Lots more behind us starting to take advantage of some well deserved nice weather. I'm trying to get rid of the remnants of a nasty cold I caught last week (first one in 5 years and I hate them).

Tomorrow we leave for Baltimore and the inner harbor. A new to them boat owner who arrived yesterday said he just came from there and it was very expensive to dock there. Whatever, gotta say I was there. He said the harbor was very dirty and industrial. Maybe only stay one night and move on. Next stop afterwards will be overnight at the entrance to the C & D Canal, which will take me to the Delaware Bay. Then down that to Cape May, which we round out into the Atlantic Ocean for our trip up to Atlantic City. All this, with good weather, will take 5/6 days. We'll see!

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