Sunday, April 30, 2017

BREAK TIME! No I haven't given up writing.....

Everybody's been asking what's happening. Well it's very simple.... I had a rendezvous to attend last week from Tuesday through Friday and I decided to take a trip home before I get started up the Chesapeake Bay. I knew I wasn't going to want to stop once under way so I'm relaxing in East TN watching all the tress "leaf" and the flowers bloom. It's the most beautiful time of the year in the mountains and once I moved back from Germany to Florida I said to myself that I would always try to spend the Spring months at "home"..... so here I am!

The American Great Looper Cruising Association held it's semi-annual rendezvous in New Bern NC, 25-29 April. The main purpose of the meeting is to inform those who are attempting the loop this year to get expert boaters to tell them the most important issues going to be confronting them during the next few months on the trip. We were given information  on what routes to take depending on our travel plans, what marinas were the most accommodating, things to see and do in each area where we plan to stop to include the best eating and relaxing spots.

This year we were very fortunate to have from the Canadian government lock system the person in charge of the whole system. He went into detail about what "locking" is all about and how is "team members" will interface with those locking through. We are especially lucky that year as it's the 150th anniversary of the system and the transit through all locks will be free! Yep, doesn't cost up one Canadian Cent! That's to include the cost of docking or tying up on the walls of the locks. In addition, the National Parks System is Free also! I've hit it lucky regarding charges to get to and see the main points of interest.

Other speakers informed us of the trip up the Hudson, trip while on the Erie Canal and Trent-Severn Waterway, movement through the Great Lakes including Lake Ontario and Michigan. The stories we were told of what awaits us in each place makes one want to get there NOW!

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