Friday, June 16, 2017


Had a great visit to Johnson City to celebrate Jack's, my brother's, 90th birthday! All his children and grandchildren were there along with my 86 year old sister. It's nice to be included in their festivities and to see how everyone is doing. It's a 2 day event that would tire out a sane person with all the young kids (4 to 14) running around; however, that's not the case because they are all well behaved..... and allowed to have fun! Grandpa even camped out with them on Saturday night

I did the 12 hour return drive to Phantom Tuesday night and almost couldn't see her once I arrived! It was covered with nasty little bugs/fly! I mean they were everywhere. When you tried to get in the door, they came with you, when you tried to breath you sucked them up your nose, when you opened your mouth to scream, you got all the protein you needed for a month! I found out later - after I washed the clothes I had on.... when they were smashed on your clothes, washing does not get them out! I finally gave up on Tuesday night and went to bed. Next morning they were everywhere and I mean everywhere. Got the hose and a bucket of soap and scrubbed all day. No matter what I used, there are still remnants remaining. 

Update on bugs.... like everything's else that's annoying, just leave it alone and get away from it.... it will go away! I think they die overnight. Maybe they were the ugly ducklings of butterflies. They just didn't get pretty, lived one day, and were history the next day! 

I've moved on to Trenton yesterday to stage for the trip up and over the Trent-Severn lock system of Canada. Probably will start that tomorrow. It's 41 locks and about 250 miles. If you've never heard of them, Google this:    ALSO there are several things to click on for more info on this system included in this article. Don't forget to click on everything because this is all a big deal. Click them all, they are interesting. I'm really looking forward to this section of my Loop. Most people who have done it say it is one of their highest rated parts of the trip and will never be forgotten.

Yesterday's 90 mile, 9 hour trip to Trenton was relatively uneventful except for the weather and the flooding along the way. One is always "Responsible for their Wake"! You don't need a sign to tell us that but even though I was a good mile or more off shore and there was no requirement to slow down, I did so in many areas. Seeing houses 50% flooded doesn't make you want to forget about their personal situation. Many had sand bags surrounding their dwellings, and out buildings, trying to keep water out but you can guess how that's going for them! There was no need for me to add to their plight by going too fast. Too fast for me is only anything over 10 mph. At 10 Phantom makes her presence known far and wide! She sits deep in the water and displaces more than her share when under power. Remember the story about the "Ugly Stick Hustle"! I can "wake" people upon bridges!

Working today to regain control of everything on the boat. I'm sitting here enjoying the down time with a sandwich enjoying absolutely beautiful weather (about time!) but rain is predicted. Let it rain, I've got ONE windshield wiper that came in the mail from ZORO! It's not on yet but I've got it and I think it's gonna fit. Now to see and just order 2 more. The radio has an excellent Country station that I've had on since I arrived yesterday. Canadian love country music.... remember Shania Twain? I was getting so tired of hearing the Pubic Radio Stations of PBS I could have screamed! Why we continue to allow Congress to give those idiots any money I'll never understand. 

The largest CAF base is a only about 3 miles away and they have a very impressive museum that I could go see but organization is foremost in my mind today. I'm also going to attempt to install a piece of my auto pilot that I've been trying to get operational since I left. I'm just waiting for word back from my guy in Tarpon Springs, the expert, to tell me if I have the concept right in order to proceed. 

Tomorrow will be a post about my 1st day in the lock system and how it went. Also, I am trying to post photos and write more on my Facebook page too. That seems to be easier for me so if you want to send me a friend request I'll be glad to include you. You may have to put up with a little soft porn political rankings from time to time but if I can put up with them.... you can probably tolerate me! 

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